leather helmet |
1930-1945 |
predominate leather football helmet look. Dates are uncertain. In 1929,
photo evidence shows that TCU wore light colored or white colored leather
helmets. |
helmet, white stripe. |
1946-1953 |
classic helmet design worn by TCU for much of the 1940s and 1950s. Great
players such as Jim Swink wore this helmet. Dates are uncertain. |
helmet, white stripe, gray facemask. |
1954-1957 |
addition was the facemask. |
helmet, white stripe, white player numbers on sides, gray facemask. |
1958-1959 |
numbers were added, which was similar to most other schools at this time. |
helmet with black player numbers on sides, gray facemask |
1960-1964 |
is the helmet that TCU wore for most of the 1960s. A very "blah"
design overall. |
helmet with white stripe, white solid horn frog on sides with TCU in purple on the inside of frog, gray facemask. |
1965 |
helmet was worn for only one year, but was a vast improvement over the plain
white helmets. |
shell with white stripe, purple and white "cartoon" hornfrog head
outlined in white, gray facemask. |
1966 |
idea in incorporating the horn frog on the helmet. The horned frog would
finally return in 1998. |
shell with white stripe, white cTu on sides (similar to Texas A&M's
design), gray facemask. |
1967 |
concept of the TCU lettering on the sides of the helmet. Too bad this was
only used one year. |
shell with thin white-purple-white stripes, white player numbers on sides,
gray facemask. |
1968 |
one year "experiment" before returning to the bland white helmets
with purple player numbers. |
shell with purple player block numbers on sides, gray facemask. |
1969-1970 |
plain look, this helmet was almost an exact copy of the helmet the Frogs
wore in the early 1960s, except the number were of a "block" typestyle. |
shell with purple stripe and purple staggered "T" "C"
"U" in a Times font, gray facemask. |
1971-1973 |
nice looking helmet, instituted in the first year of coach Jim Pittman,
who died tragically in mid-season of 1971 of a heart attack on the sidelines
of the Baylor - TCU game in Waco. |
shell with white stripe and white staggered "T" "C"
"U" in a Times font, gray facemask. |
1974-1976 |
helmet was an update of the helmet worn by the Frogs from 1971-73. TCU wore
this helmet during the tenure of Jim Shoffner, and unfortunately, one of
the worst periods of TCU football, with the Frogs winning a total of 2 games
in this three year period. |
shell with purple TCU on sides, with the T extending out over the CU, gray
facemask. |
1977-1980* |
of TCU's most popular helmet logos began during the tenure of Coach F.A.
Dry. This helmet was worn until the Texas Tech game of 1980, at which time
the shells were painted purple. |
shell with white TCU on sides, with the T extending out over the CU, gray facemask. |
1980* |
helmet was a one week transition helmet, worn during the TCU - Texas Tech
game in Ft. Worth. Coach Dry stated at the time that the reason for the
change to purple helmets was that all championship TCU teams had worn purple
helmets. The gray facemasks were a holdover from the silver helmets, but
would shortly be replaced. |
shell with white TCU on sides, with the T extending out over the CU, white facemask. |
1983-1991 |
in the Texas game in 1980, TCU "finished" the look of this popular
helmet by adding a white facemask. Barring a brief change in 1982, this
helmet enjoyed the longest tenure of any TCU helmet; 11 1/2 seasons. Coach
Jim Wacker immediately changed back to this look after taking over the TCU
helm in 1983. |
shell with white player's numbers on sides, white stripe, white facemask. |
1982* |
some inexplicable reason, Coach F.A. Dry changed to these ugly helmets 2/3
of the way through the 1982 season. They were worn on the road in the Houston
game with purple pants, which may have been a one game event. |
shell with silver arched TCU on sides, gray facemask. |
1992 |
helmet was worn only during the first year of Coach Pat Sullivan. I consider
this a "transition helmet", as it used the previous year's shell
with Sullivan's new TCU logo design. Actually, not a bad helmet look. |
shell with purple-white-purple stripes, arched TCU in purple outlined in
white, and gray facemasks. |
1993-1994 |
the look that Pat Sullivan wanted, this helmet is okay in design. One complaint
is that the TCU on the sides is placed too high on the helmet and is way
too small. |
shell with arched TCU in purple outlined in black on sides, black
facemask. |
1995-1997 |
real puzzler! For some reason TCU decided to trim in black, and incorporated
that look into the outlined TCU and the facemask. |
purple shell with TCU in white and gray horned frog outlined in black on
sides, black facemask. |
1998-2010 |
the best looking TCU helmet in the modern era was instituted under Coach
Dennis Francione. Could be a classic look, with the horned frog added to
the side for the first time since the early 1960s. A purple facemask would
probably look better (what's with the black fixation?), but overall, a GREAT
looking helmet. |
Unusual metallic silver and black flaked horned frog skin stylized shell with large TCU in white on sides, large tapered black stripe in middle (from wide to thin, front to back) flanked by thin red stripes, black facemask. |
2009 |
Brand new look unveiled on November 14, 2009 against Utah. Made by Nike, called the Pro Combat line (with new uniforms). Very unusual new look. Worn twice in 2009, including the Fiesta Bowl. Red stripes on the helmet signify the blood that real horned frogs shoot out from their eyes. Ugly helmet overall, with no purple. |
Light metallic silver and black flaked horned frog skin stylized shell with TCU in black on sides, large tapered black stripe in middle (from wide to thin, front to back) flanked by thin red stripes, black facemask. |
2010 |
2010 Nike Pro Combat helmet for TCU (with new uniforms). Lighter "ice" silver shell and black TCU lettering the big changes from last year's model. Red stripes on the helmet signify the blood that real horned frogs shoot out from their eyes. An improvement over the 2009 combat helmet, but still no purple on the helmet. |
purple shell with TCU in white and gray horned frog outlined in black on
sides with rose in teeth, black facemask. |
Rose Bowl |
TCU added a rose to the horned frog decal for the 2011 Rose Bowl game, a win against Wisconsin. TCU finished 13-0. |
purple matte finish shell with simulated "horned frog skin" texture, stylized TCU in white with thin black outline on sides, thick black stripe, black facemask. |
2011-2014 |
Another Nike Pro Combat type helmet introduced in 2011. This version does not have the horned frog on the sides. |
purple matte finish shell with simulated "horned frog skin" texture, TCU in white and gray horned frog outlined in black on
sides,wide black stripe, black facemask. |
2011-2014 |
Traditional horned frog helmet has been updated for 2011 with the wide black stripe and matte purple finish. |
Light metallic silver and black flaked horned frog skin stylized shell, TCU and horned frog in white outlined in black on side, black facemask. |
2011 |
2010 Nike Pro Combat helmet used for the first time with an altered version of the current TCU horned frog helmet decals. Just by looking at the helmet, one would be hard-pressed to know that TCU's school color is purple. |
Light metallic silver and black flaked horned frog skin stylized shell, TCU in purple and horned frog in white outlined in black on side, wide purple stripe, black facemask. |
2012-2014 |
One of the new helmets for 2012 is similar to the Nike Pro Combat helmets of the past two seasons, but with a TCU in purple and white purple stripe. |
New HydroChrome purple helmet with TCU in white and horned frog in silver outlined in black on sides, black facemask. |
2012-2018 |
New HydroChrome finish helmet for 2012 used in at least two games. Also worn as an alternate helmet currently. |
Matte finish purple helmet with black strip highlights and red stripe on each side (simulating the blood of the eyes of a horned frog), with TCU in white on the back of the helmets, black facemask. |
2013 |
Lots of black on the helmet. Very unusual design with blood red on helmet to signify shooting blood from horned-frog's eyes. |
White helmet with TCU in purple and horned frog in silver/black on sides, purple facemask. |
2014-2018 |
Nice alternate helmet for this season; uses solely the school's colors with no black. |
White helmet with TCU in purple, black-purple-black stripes, and horned frog in silver/black on sides, black facemask. |
2014-2018 |
For some weird reason, TCU has 2 white helmets now for 2014. This one features stripes and a black facemask. Worn again in 2015 and 2016. |
Purple horned-frog skin shell with TCU in white and horned-frog in silver/black on sides, wide white stripe, black facemask. |
2015-2018 |
New look frog-skinned helmet (1 of 3) for 2015. |
Gray horned-frog skin shell with TCU in white on sides, wide white stripe, black facemask. |
<2015-2018 |
New look frog-skinned helmet (2 of 3) for 2015. Gray is not a school color, but at least it is not black! |
White shell with TCU in purple and horned frog in silver/black on sides, wide horned-frog skin purple stripe, black facemask. |
2015-2018 |
New look white helmet (3 of 3) for 2015. |
White shell with TCU in purple and horned frog in silver/black on sides, wide horned-frog skin purple stripe that tapers to thin in the back, black facemask. |
2019-Current |
New look white helmet (1 of 3) for 2019. Similar to 2015-2018 look except for tapered stripe. |
Matte purple shell, black tapered stripe outlined in red, black TCU and horned frog outlined in red on side, black and red facemask. |
2019-Current |
New "battle blood" helmet for Texas game. |
Black shell, purple tapered stripe, white TCU and classic horned frog logo on sides, black facemask. |
2022 |
New black helmet with tapered purple stripe. |